
A border town (it was an important stronghold during the wars with Spain), it is characterized, like most towns and villages of the Alentejo, by small whitewashed houses rising amist fields scattered with coak oaks and olive trees.

Several streets, namely those leading to the Mother Church, exhibit Gothic stone portals.

The Mother Church is said to have been founded by Saint Theotonius, and the first stone was laid in 1236. However, it was completely remodelled and altered in the 16th century, and the main façade was rebuilt after the great 1755 earthquake.

Besides the ruins of its castle, Arronches displays other religious temples, such as the Church of Our Lady of Light, founded in 1570 and still exhibiting the original granite butresses.

Arronches lies on the edge of the
Serra de São Mamede, a remote mountainous range with a fascinating variety of flora and fauna, including eagles, red deer, wild boars and also one of the largest colonies of bats in Europe.

The county's gastronomy includes the usual traditional dishes of Alentejo, but its pork sausages are considered specially delicious.